Oldonyo Lengai Day Tour


Ol doinyo Lengai Volcano Climb

An overnight ascent to the summit of the famous “Mountain of God”. Climbing the 2,962 volcano under moonlight is an unforgettable and mystical experience. 

One of the most challenging 1 day climbs in East Africa! Who is ready to take on the challenge?!

This trek is not for the faint hearted but worth it for the un-paralleled views from the top at sunrise. On a clear day you can expect to see the tips of Meru and Kilimanjaro pierce through the horizon to the east. To the north you can see to the far end of Lake Natron, where its northern shores border Kenya. To the west you will be able to see over the escarpment across the Sale Plains all the way to the Gol Mountains in a view that is so spectacular it doesn’t look real!

Sample Itinerary

11:30pm wake up, go to mess area for tea/coffee and snacks before driving to the base of Lengai

1am arrive at the base of Lengai and start your ascent

6am you are at the top of Lengai!

6:30am start your descent

12pm arrive at the base of Lengai, drive back to Lake Natron Camp

1pm arrive at Lake Natron Camp greeted by a cold face towel and fresh cold drink

1:30pm have lunch, relax by the pool, have a massage!

Please note, these timings are estimates. For some people it may take longer & for some a lot quicker!